Jamaican Divorce Laws

Divorce Laws in Jamaica West Indies

Divorce is a legal process which dissolves marriages, typically necessitating resolution of certain matters like property division, child custody arrangements and alimony obligations. Jamaica’s divorce laws mainly focus on two acts – Married Women’s Property Act 1896 and Married Persons and Property (Protection) Act
1970 – when considering divorce cases.

Property Distribution

In Jamaica, courts consider married couples financial partners and will strive to ensure that when the marriage dissolves, each partner receives an equitable division of assets when dissolving it. Usually, this will depend on each spouse’s contribution and any child of the marriage; assets brought by either partner during marriage typically won’t be divided during divorce proceedings but remain with that individual instead.
Alimony (spousal maintenance) may be awarded to either party of a divorce case based on specific facts of each divorce case, including earning potential and contributions made during marriage as well as each spouse’s degree of financial need. Both the amount and duration of maintenance depend on each unique case of separation or divorce.

Legal Child Custody

Jamaica’s legal child custody determination process is generally dictated by a judge based on what they deem to be in the best interests of the child. Common factors taken into consideration may include each parent’s work schedule and ability to share custody, quality of relationship between parent and child and wishes expressed by children of sufficient age if applicable.

Child Support

In Jamaica, when a court awards custody to one parent, usually the other parent will be expected to provide financial support in order to meet his/her basic needs. The court takes several factors into consideration before setting child support payments such as financial resources of both parents, standards of living enjoyed while living together and any special requirements the child might require.

Divorce with Mutual Consent

Divorces where both spouses have agreed to the divorce can be much simpler. A joint petition must be filed with the court and signed by both parties; and, if there are no disputes about property division, alimony or child support that would typically require litigation, an informal separation agreement between both spouses will be filed with court and considered the court’s order.

Divorce Without Mutual Consent

If the spouses cannot reach an agreement on all aspects of the divorce, a contested one is required. Each must file their petition with the court before appearing at trial – after hearing evidence presented at court hearings and making decisions based on hearings conducted before making final rulings on issues like alimony, child custody and property division.
Jamaica’s divorce law is guided by two statutes – The Married Women’s Property Act of 1896 and Married Persons and Property (Protection) Act of 1970 – that set out the process. Courts usually strive to ensure an equitable division of marital assets between spouses; additional orders could include spousal support and child support orders or custody arrangements, depending on mutual agreements or lack thereof between partners. Depending on this information, different processes for divorce could ensue depending on each spouse.

Looking for info on cost for divorce in Jamaica? Then contact us today


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